How do I Analyse SEO in Google Analytics?

Hey there! Curious about how to analyze SEO in Google Analytics? Well, look no further because I’m here to break it down for you! So, how do you analyze SEO in Google Analytics?

When it comes to optimizing your website and improving your search engine rankings, Google Analytics is your trusty sidekick. It provides valuable insights into how people find your website and what they do once they’re there.

By digging into the data, you can uncover keywords that are driving traffic, identify pages that need a little SEO boost, and understand how your overall SEO efforts are performing. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of analyzing SEO in Google Analytics!

Key Takeaways: How to Analyze SEO in Google Analytics

  • SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which helps websites rank higher on search engine results pages.
  • Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into your website’s SEO performance.
  • By analyzing organic search traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior, you can identify areas for improvement in your SEO strategy.
  • Regularly monitoring and tracking SEO metrics in Google Analytics allows you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your website’s performance.
  • Understanding the impact of SEO efforts through Google Analytics helps you refine your strategy and increase organic traffic to your website.

How do I Analyse SEO in Google Analytics?

How do I Analyse SEO in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding and optimizing the performance of your website. When it comes to SEO analysis, Google Analytics provides valuable insights into how your website is performing in search engines. By analyzing SEO data in Google Analytics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your website’s organic search traffic, identify opportunities for improvement, and measure the success of your SEO efforts. In this article, we will explore seven key ways to analyze SEO in Google Analytics and unlock the potential of your website’s organic search performance.

The Basics: Organic Search Traffic

Understanding the basics of organic search traffic is essential for SEO analysis in Google Analytics. By navigating to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “All Traffic” and then “Channels,” you can get an overview of the different channels driving traffic to your website. Organic search traffic refers to visitors who found your website through a search engine like Google. Analyzing your organic search traffic will help you understand the overall performance and effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

1. Organic Search Keywords

One of the most valuable insights Google Analytics provides is the organic search keywords that drive traffic to your website. By going to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “Keywords” under “Organic Search,” you can see the specific keywords users are searching for when they find your website. This data is crucial for optimizing your website’s content and targeting the right keywords to improve your organic search rankings. By identifying high-performing keywords and optimizing your content around them, you can attract more relevant organic traffic to your website.

Keyword Optimization Tip:

When analyzing your organic search keywords in Google Analytics, pay attention to the keywords with high impressions but low click-through rates (CTR). These are opportunities for optimization. By improving your meta tags, title tags, and meta descriptions to make them more compelling and relevant to the search queries, you can increase your CTR and drive more traffic to your website.

2. Landing Pages and Behavior Flow

Another essential aspect of analyzing SEO in Google Analytics is understanding the performance of your landing pages. By going to the “Behavior” section and selecting “Site Content” and then “Landing Pages,” you can see which pages users land on when they first visit your website. This information helps you identify the most popular landing pages and the ones that generate the most organic search traffic. By analyzing the behavior flow of these landing pages, you can identify any roadblocks or areas for improvement that might be hindering your website’s SEO performance.

Optimization Tip:

When analyzing your landing pages and behavior flow, keep an eye on the bounce rate and the average time spent on the page. A high bounce rate indicates that visitors are leaving your website without exploring further, while a low average time spent on the page suggests that users aren’t finding the content engaging. Consider optimizing your landing pages by improving their design, content, and user experience to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement.

3. Organic Search Referrals

In addition to organic search keywords and landing pages, it’s important to analyze the websites that refer organic search traffic to your website. By going to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “All Traffic” and then “Referrals,” you can see which external websites are driving organic search traffic to your website. This information is valuable for identifying high-quality websites and potential link-building opportunities. By partnering with these websites and building backlinks, you can improve your organic search visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Link-Building Tip:

When analyzing your organic search referrals, pay attention to the websites that send a significant amount of traffic to your website. Conduct outreach efforts to build relationships with these websites and explore potential guest blogging opportunities or other forms of collaboration. By securing backlinks from reputable websites in your industry, you can enhance your website’s authority and improve its organic search rankings.

4. Conversion Tracking

Analyzing SEO in Google Analytics isn’t just about driving traffic to your website – it’s also about generating conversions. By setting up goals in Google Analytics and tracking conversions, you can measure the success of your SEO efforts in terms of lead generation, sales, or other key performance indicators (KPIs). By going to the “Conversions” section and selecting “Goals,” you can see how many conversions were driven by organic search traffic. This data will help you understand the ROI of your SEO campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Conversion Tip:

When setting up goals and tracking conversions in Google Analytics, make sure you define specific and measurable goals that align with your business objectives. Whether it’s newsletter sign-ups, product purchases, or form submissions, having clear conversion goals will enable you to accurately measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize your website’s performance.

5. Mobile Traffic

With the increasing dominance of mobile devices in search, analyzing the performance of mobile traffic is crucial for SEO. By going to the “Audience” section and selecting “Mobile” and then “Overview,” you can see the breakdown of your website’s traffic by device category. This data will help you understand how your website performs on different devices and identify any areas for improvement in terms of mobile optimization. By optimizing your website for mobile users, you can enhance the user experience and improve your organic search rankings.

Mobile Optimization Tip:

When analyzing your mobile traffic, pay attention to the bounce rate, average session duration, and goal completions on mobile devices. If these metrics are lower compared to desktop traffic, it indicates that your website may not be providing a seamless experience for mobile users. Consider implementing responsive design, optimizing page speed, and simplifying navigation to enhance mobile user experience and increase mobile conversions.

6. Site Speed and Performance

Site speed and performance are crucial factors that significantly impact user experience and SEO rankings. By going to the “Behavior” section and selecting “Site Speed” and then “Overview,” you can see an overview of your website’s speed and performance metrics. This data includes average page load time, server response time, and other key performance indicators. By analyzing site speed and performance, you can identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement that may be negatively affecting your organic search rankings.

Performance Optimization Tip:

When analyzing your site speed and performance, pay attention to the pages with a high bounce rate or long load times. These are signs that visitors are not willing to wait for your website to load, resulting in a poor user experience. Consider implementing performance optimization techniques such as caching, compressing images, minifying JavaScript and CSS files, and leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve your website’s speed and overall performance.

7. Search Console Integration

To enhance your SEO analysis in Google Analytics, consider integrating it with Google Search Console. Search Console provides valuable insights into how your website appears in search engine results pages (SERPs), the keywords your website ranks for, and any issues that may be affecting your organic search performance. By going to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “Search Console” and then “Queries,” you can see the specific search terms that drive organic search traffic to your website. This integration allows you to combine the data from Google Analytics and Search Console to gain a comprehensive understanding of your website’s organic search performance.

Integration Tip:

When integrating Google Analytics with Search Console, make sure to verify ownership of your website in Search Console and set up the association between the two platforms. This will allow Google Analytics to access your Search Console data and provide you with detailed insights into your organic search performance.

Advanced Analytics: Taking Your SEO Analysis to the Next Level

Now that we have explored the basics of analyzing SEO in Google Analytics, let’s dive into some advanced techniques to take your website’s organic search performance to new heights. By incorporating advanced analytics strategies, you can gain deeper insights, make data-driven decisions, and supercharge your SEO efforts.

1. Conversion Funnels

Analyzing the conversion funnel is a powerful way to understand the entire user journey from the initial search to the final conversion. By setting up conversion funnels in Google Analytics, you can track the steps users take on your website before converting. This information allows you to identify any drop-off points or areas for improvement in the conversion process. By optimizing your conversion funnel, you can increase the chances of turning organic search traffic into valuable conversions.

2. Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

For e-commerce websites, enhanced ecommerce tracking in Google Analytics provides invaluable insights into online sales performance and customer behavior. By implementing enhanced ecommerce tracking, you can track and analyze metrics such as product views, add to cart actions, and completed transactions. This data helps you understand the effectiveness of your SEO efforts in terms of driving product sales, optimizing the user experience, and identifying opportunities to maximize revenue.

3. Custom Dimensions and Segments

Custom dimensions and segments in Google Analytics allow you to create and analyze specific subsets of data based on user-defined parameters. By leveraging custom dimensions, you can track additional information about your website visitors, such as user demographics, interests, or custom events. By creating relevant segments, you can isolate specific groups of visitors and analyze their behavior. This level of customization enables you to gain deeper insights into your audience’s preferences, personalize your website’s content, and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly.

Staying Ahead: Keeping Up with SEO Trends and Best Practices

To achieve long-term success with your SEO analysis in Google Analytics, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest SEO trends and best practices. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and search engine algorithms are constantly changing. By staying informed, adapting your strategy, and implementing best practices, you can ensure that your website continues to rank well in organic search results.

1. SEO Industry News and Blogs

Keeping tabs on SEO industry news and blogs is a great way to stay informed about the latest trends, algorithm updates, and best practices. Follow reputable SEO blogs and websites, such as Moz, Search Engine Land, and Neil Patel, to stay up to date with industry insights, case studies, and expert advice. By staying informed, you can adjust your SEO strategy accordingly and take advantage of emerging opportunities.

2. Continuous Learning and Skill Development

SEO is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and skill development. Take advantage of online courses, webinars, and certifications to expand your knowledge and stay ahead of the curve. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and HubSpot offer a wide range of SEO courses and resources that can help you sharpen your skills and stay competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

3. Experimentation and Testing

No SEO strategy is set in stone. To optimize your website’s organic search performance, it’s important to experiment and test different strategies, tactics, and optimizations. By conducting A/B tests, implementing new techniques, and analyzing the results, you can identify what works best for your website and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly. Remember to track and measure the impact of your experiments using Google Analytics to ensure data-driven decision-making.

In conclusion, analyzing SEO in Google Analytics is essential for understanding and optimizing your website’s organic search performance. By leveraging the power of Google Analytics, you can gain valuable insights, measure the success of your SEO efforts, and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s visibility in search engines. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of Google Analytics and take your SEO analysis to the next level. Stay informed, continue learning, and embrace experimentation to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you curious about how to analyze SEO in Google Analytics? Look no further! Below, we’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions to help you understand the process and make the most out of your website’s SEO data.

1. How can I track organic search traffic in Google Analytics?

To track organic search traffic in Google Analytics, you’ll need to navigate to the “Acquisition” section and click on “Overview.” From there, you can select “Organic Search” in the list of channels. This will provide you with a detailed report on the traffic generated from search engine results.

Within this report, you can analyze various metrics such as the number of sessions, pageviews, bounce rate, and average session duration for your organic search traffic. Additionally, you can further segment this data to gain insights into specific keywords, landing pages, or geographical regions that are driving the most organic traffic to your website.

2. How do I identify the keywords that are driving the most traffic to my website?

In Google Analytics, you can identify the keywords that are driving the most traffic to your website by navigating to the “Acquisition” section and selecting “All Traffic,” followed by “Channels.” From there, click on the “Organic Search” channel to view the organic search traffic report.

In this report, you’ll find a list of keywords that users have used to find your website through search engines. You can sort this list by the number of sessions to identify the keywords driving the most traffic. By analyzing this data, you can optimize your content and SEO strategy to further capitalize on these high-performing keywords.

3. How can I track the impact of my SEO efforts on website conversions?

To track the impact of your SEO efforts on website conversions, you can set up goals in Google Analytics. Goals allow you to define specific actions that you consider valuable, such as newsletter sign-ups or completed purchases. By tracking these goals, you can measure the conversion rate of your organic search traffic.

To create a goal, navigate to the “Admin” section in Google Analytics and select the appropriate property and view. Under the “View” column, click on “Goals” and then select “New Goal.” Follow the prompts to set up your desired conversion action. With goals in place, you can monitor how SEO impacts these conversions and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance.

4. How can I identify the pages on my website with the highest organic search visibility?

To identify the pages on your website with the highest organic search visibility, you can use the “Landing Pages” report in Google Analytics. Go to the “Behavior” section and click on “Site Content,” followed by “Landing Pages.” This report will show you the pages that users first land on when entering your website from a search engine.

From this report, you’ll be able to see the number of sessions, bounce rate, average session duration, and other relevant metrics for each landing page. This information will help you determine which pages are performing well in organic search and which ones may require optimization to improve their visibility and user engagement.

5. How can I monitor the overall performance of my website’s SEO over time?

To monitor the overall performance of your website’s SEO over time, you can use the “Organic Traffic” report in Google Analytics. Go to the “Acquisition” section, select “All Traffic,” and then click on “Channels.” From there, click on “Organic Search” to view the organic traffic report.

In this report, you’ll find a graph displaying the organic traffic trends over a selected time period. You can adjust the time frame to analyze the performance of your website’s SEO on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. By monitoring these trends, you can identify any significant changes, spot potential issues, and take necessary actions to optimize your website’s SEO strategy.

How to Use Google Analytics for SEO (Free Training)


So, to sum it up, analysing SEO in Google Analytics is important because it helps you understand how your website is performing in search engines. By looking at metrics like organic traffic, keyword rankings, and user engagement, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your website accordingly.

Remember to regularly check your SEO reports in Google Analytics, set up goals and conversions, and keep track of your website’s performance over time. This will help you make informed decisions and drive more traffic to your site, ultimately improving your online presence and reaching more people. So go ahead and start analysing your SEO in Google Analytics – it’s easier than you think!

With a bit of time and effort, you’ll be on your way to improving your website’s SEO and driving more organic traffic. So be patient, keep learning, and never be afraid to experiment and try new strategies. Happy analysing!

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